A Polynesian music project inviting members of Islander communities in the Macarthur Region to unite through the power of song, Sounds Like Us was one of three ArtsNSW funded activities in the community cultural project Overcoming Adversity and Celebrating Diversity, conducted at Camden Council's Camden Creative Studios.
• If you wish to obtain a CD, please email me.
THE CD LISTEN TO THE ANCESTORS - Explorations in traditional and contemporary Pacific culture through the power of song
Seven traditional and modern Maori songs including material by Hirini Melbourne and one Estonian song.
Listen more often to things
than to beings,
'Tis the ancestors' breath
when the fire's voice is heard,
'Tis the ancestors' breath
in the voice of the waters
Listen to the ancestors and you'll hear the spirit of now • the many voices that came and went • once, occasionally or regularly • the participants variously arriving throughout the rehearsals and workshops • learning and diligently rehearsing • enjoying the fabulous lunches prepared with love • being photographed, videotaped and recorded • the singers singing in the atrium, the Youth Space and the Studios • capturing the sound of handbag buckles clinking, mobile ringtones ringing, the library paging system chiming in [track 07] and the low rumble of traffic around the roundabout outside [most acapella tracks] • performing live on rainy and windy stages • bookending each session respectfully with prayer.
This project is supported by the NSW Government through ArtsNSW
Made in Australia © 2011