This is the first of a compilation of new and revisited compositions / recordings from my extensive sound archives.
Spanning 37 years (1974 - 2010), the works represent a personal journey through home recording, evolving from electromagnetic to electronic to digital.
Along the way I've had the good fortune to collaborate with some wonderful artists, several of whom are featured on this edition.
I dedicate this release to my musical buddy, Randolph Voglsam, with whom I set out on this odyssey, only for his life to be cut short in 1980 at the age of 26, just as computer music was beginning to emerge. In essence, the camaraderie of our intuitive and often inspired exchanges resonates for me to this very day.
Randolph and his Akai cassette deck with the great pumpin' auto compressor / limiter
Home studio featuring 'step-input' Roland Compumusic on Apple II+ [1984]
Fully portable 'home away from home' multimedia production studio [2011]
• CD / tracks available online shortly ...
• If you wish to buy a CD now, please email me.
" Vaimukas, faktuuri läbipaistvuses mõnuga pisiasjadeni jälgitav muusika. Through its structural transparency, witty and appreciably detailed music. " MELOODIA / МЄЛОДИЯ 1974
"The background sounds that are going down into the far reaches of my brain: every day they layer like a stackable record player, slipping past my visual cortex to reshape my memory terrain."
DISC 1 : vocal
DISC 2 : instrumental